ABOUT NCHENFEM Nchenfem is a village located in Fontem Subdivision, Lebialem Division in the South-West region of Cameroon. It covers a surface area of approximately 200 km square and has a population of approximately 1000 inhabitants according to the most recent Cameroon government census statistics. Neighboring divisions to Lebialem Division are Menoua Division to the East, Manyu Division to the West and Koupé-Manengouba Division to the South. Our economic activity is predominantly farming; mostly at the subsistence level. Main crops cultivated are cocoyam, cassava, beans, plantains and groundnuts. A few cash crops are also cultivated extensively including coffee and cocoa. Livestock is reared mostly for domestic consumption. The production of palm oil has always been important and forms one of our biggest sources of revenue. Nchenfem is a united village, is culturally zoned into Nchenfem 1 & 2 and culturally governed respectively by Ndi Martin Mbengu and Ndi P. A. Mbeboh. These traditional rulers are auxiliaries of the local administration and important custodians of our cultural heritage. We from Nchenfem are the Bangwas, also known as the Nweh people. More about the Bangwas can be read at: This website is a showcase of Nchenfem people, its rich heritage, evolving culture, and the activities of NCUDA. It is an avenue to learn more about NCUDA and how you can support the mission and vision this dynamic association. We hope that you will find the information posted here both informative and rewarding. You are welcomed to contribute or to make constructive comments. Please come back often to learn and to support our efforts in the development of the struggling masses in Nchenfem. We look forward to collaborating with you.